[Minor update 2020-09-06]
I use Beyond Compare a lot – every day. It’s the best “diff” utility I’ve ever found.
But I also need to compare Word documents a lot – also every day. And Beyond Compare isn’t very good at that.
Microsoft Word has it’s own “legal blackline” (sometimes called “redline”; I don’t know why) compare which works well, but is very tedious to start each time. To use it (in Office 365), you need to:
- Open a document
- Go Review>Compare>Compare two documents
- Find the original document and select it
- Find the revised document and select it (yes, even tho you already have it open)
- Click OK
If, as is often the case with me, the two documents are in different folders, this is a lot of work.
With Beyond Compare, on the other hand, you can just select two documents in File Explorer, and right-click on “Compare”. Done.
Here’s a way to get Beyond Compare (BC) to launch Word’s legal blackline, the same easy way. Step-by-step:
1 – Download script “Diff-Word.ps1” into the BC4 folder (usually “C:\Program Files\Beyond Compare 4”)
(That file is modified from what I found at https://github.com/ForNeVeR/ExtDiff – many thanks to the author of that!!)
2 – Open Beyond Compare and do Tools>FileFormats, go to the bottom of the window that pops up and click ‘+’, then choose “External Format”.
3 – In the Mask box paste in “*.doc;*.docm;*.docx;*.dot;*.dotm;*.dotx” (without the double quotes).
4 – In the Quick Comparison paste in (again without the double quotes): “powershell -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -File Diff-Word.ps1 %1 %2”
5 – In the Compare View box paste in (again without the double quotes): “powershell -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -File Diff-Word.ps1 %2 %1” (note reverse order of parameters at the end – this is necessary)
6 – In the Description box past in (if you care): “Make Word open it’s own blackline compare.”
7 – Click Save, click Close, exit Beyond Compare.
Now to use it, the order in which you do things matters (because of the way Word’s compare works – it marks revisions against an “original”; if you do things in the wrong order you’ll be marking the original against the revised version, which isn’t the same thing).
So to use it:
1 – Right click on the ORIGINAL file and choose “Select left file for compare”.
2 – Right click on the REVISED file and choose “Compare to”.
That’s it. This will open 2 Word windows, one with the blackline change marks (revised marked against original), and the other with the revised document (no changes – ready to edit further).
If you don’t want that 2nd window (just want the changes), put a ‘#’ (comment) in front of the line that starts “$new =” in Diff-Word.ps1.