If you run PuTTY on a serial port under Ubuntu 10.10, it won’t set any bit rate higher than 230,400 bps. Even if you tell it to, any higher speed just gets you 230,400 bps.
Here is a workaround – create a file ‘fastterm.sh’ with the following contents:
putty -load myconfig&
sleep 1
stty -F /dev/ttyUSB0 speed 460800
stty -F /dev/ttyUSB0 speed 460800
(Yes, twice.) Replace “myconfig” with the name of your PuTTY config (mainly to setup the device name), and replace ‘/dev/ttyUSB0’ with your device name. (ttyUSB0 is the 0th USB serial port.)
To run it, use ‘sh fastterm.sh’.