About date formats

The general problem with numeric date formats is this – what does “04.07” mean? Is it July 4th or April 7th? Or April 2007? Maybe July 2004?

The answer is it’s ambiguous unless you have some other clues.  In general the separator is the clue; a dot (.) means it’s in Euro order (Day;Month;Year).  A slash (/) means it’s in USA order (Month;Day;Year) and a dash (-) means it’s in international (also Asian) order (Year;Month;Day).

So in general – don’t use MM.DD.YY date format ever.  That is confusing because DD.MM.YY (with dots) is one of the standard date formats in Europe, and MM/DD/YY (with slashes) is the most common format in the USA.  So using dots (European) with the USA order Month-Day-Year is doubly confusing.

If you must use USA order, use slashes (/) to help identify it.  If you’re going to use a Euro format, use the one that spells out the month (20 Jul 1969); at least it’s unambiguous.

Best of all is to use the ISO 8601 international format: YYYY-MM-DD.

For example, use 1776-07-04.

The dashes and the 4-digit year coming first indicate clearly that it’s in neither the Euro formats (04.07.76 or 4 July 1776) nor the USA formats (7/4/76 or July 4, 1776).

The ISO international format also has the advantage that it sorts correctly in a computer (dates will get sorted chronologically); neither the Euro nor USA formats do that.

The ISO format also happens to be the same format used in Japan & China, but that’s just a coincidence.

In general writing (when sorting order doesn’t matter) you can avoid the whole problem if you spell out the date instead of using numbers:

4 July 1776
July 4, 1776

These are both completely clear and unambiguous.

The only good patent is an expired patent

Update – 2024-05-09:

In the 14 years since I posted this, I’ve changed my mind. Without patent protection against low-effort knock-offs, it can be really difficult for small firms to get VC funding. At the very least, I overstated the case.

Somewhere else I’ve said “Everything is more complicated than it seems.”. This is one of those.

…indeed the best thing about patents is that they eventually expire. (And I say this as an inventor with multiple issued patents.)

See, for instance, http://news.cnet.com/8301-10784_3-57374941-87/litigation-lunacy-silicon-valleys-lost-its-collective-mind/?part=rss&subj=news&tag=2547-1_3-0-20.

Or http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nest_Labs#Litigation.

And in general: http://www.techdirt.com/.

Having said that, I guess I have to also say that I’m not against patents in principle, only in practice.

I usually try to stay out of politics on this blog, but this affects us nerds in particular.

If we could somehow have a working patent system that limited patents to truly original and (above all,) non-obvious inventions, ideally ones that involved genuine investment (instead of off-the-cuff ideas), then I’d be in favor of that. But the current system is supposed to do that already, and fails miserably.

The result is worse than no patent system at all. Ironically, the current patent system, which is supposed to encourage innovation, instead stifles it – the risk of company-killing lawsuits over genuinely independent inventions (and therefore, in my book, obvious ones) far outweighs any encouragement.

In my view, to qualify as non-obvious, an applicant should be required to show that her invention solves a long-standing (not recent) problem which other people have had ample opportunity to solve, but have been unable to. Too many modern patents are obvious solutions to new problems which either never existed before (because a new technology raises new problems) or which only recently became solvable because of new technology. For example, sending voice over the Internet is obvious once you have an Internet. Nobody should get a patent on that just because they were the first, as this is obvious. Heatsinking a LED for domestic lighting is obvious – no patent should issue simply on the basis that nobody did it before, as that is because LED use for domestic lighting is a new application, and therefore the problem never came up before.

Apparently somebody was issued a patent on using a rotating mirror to scan a laser in a polymer 3D printer – because it’s a “new application” of the invention of the rotating mirror. There’s at least one guy who therefore is using a rotating prism instead, to work around the patent. In his own words “even though this would have been obvious for any bachelor physics student looking into this topic”. Using a rotating mirror (or prism) this way is not in any sense “invention” – it’s workaday engineering.

Solutions should be considered obvious if they appear very quickly after appearance of the problem, or if multiple independent “inventors” come up with the same solution over a short period of time.

While I’d prefer real reform of the patent system along these lines – which would reject 98%+ of currently issued patents (including most of mine) – political reality seems to make that unlikely. Given the choice between the current system and no patent system at all, I’d choose none.

How to descale a Bosch Tassimo coffee machine

This is another post tagged “sad”.

Does your circa 2009 Bosch Tassimo coffee machine have the red descaling light on? And the red light won’t turn off, even tho you followed the descaling instructions in the manual? (It should look like this:)

The problem is the manual is wrong. I don’t know how they managed it, but it’s plain wrong.

Here’s what to do:

  1. Take out the water filter from the water tank (if you have one). Descaling won’t work with the filter in there.
  2. Mix up 500 mL of descaling solution in the water supply bucket. You must have at least 500 mL of solution in there or it will run out and you’ll have to start over.
  3. Put the cleaning disc into the machine and close the little disc door.
  4. Put a cup that will hold at least 500 mL into the machine (you will probably want to take out the cup stand to make room for it). If the cup won’t hold 500 mL, it’ll overflow and you’ll have a mess.
  5. This is the key: press and hold the brew button for at least 3 seconds. Now wait 20 minutes.

After 3 seconds the green and red lights will start flashing simultaneously – that indicates you’ve started the descaling cycle, which will run 500 mL of the solution thru the machine and into the cup. It goes slowly, in small bursts over about 20 minutes. When it’s done, the red light will go out. Then flush out the machine by running lots of clean water thru it (per the manual), and put back the water filter (if you want, and if your model has one).

If you stop the machine before it’s done with the full cycle, you’ll have to start over.

This procedure is hinted at in icon-speak (no words) on the little booklet that the cleaning disc comes in. It’s totally different from what the manual says, with the key difference that this procedure works.

Enjoy your coffee.

Is MS Word 2003 loading slower and slower?

It was for me. Turned out that that my Normal.dot file, usually 38 kBytes, had grown to 1.4 MBytes. That’s what was taking so long – loading it each time.

Simply deleting the file was a good temporary fix back in May (Word automatically re-creates it if it’s missing). On Win7 for me it was in:


Lately, it’s been happening again – this time Normal.dot had grown to 1.8 MBytes (since May!).

Investigation revealed that the file grew by about 2 kBytes each time I loaded a file. I had a look at the binary of Normal.dot to see what was taking up so much space, and saw lots of Unicode text reading things like “Sign in to Office Live Workspace beta”.

So I un-installed “Microsoft Office Live Add-in”. Now Normal.dot doesn’t grow anymore.

This post is tagged “Sad”.

Quickbooks label-printing workaround

Intuit is a frustrating company to deal with.

If you’re using Quickbooks 2008 or 2009 on Windows 7 and attempt to print a shipping label using the built-in Shipping Manager app (a FedEx label, anyway), it won’t print.

You get an error message something like:

Unable to print label: Thermal printer

And the name of the printer in the printer dialog box has a bunch of garbage including a couple of UUIDs.

I suspect this is one of Intuit’s not-so-subtle ways of getting you to upgrade. When I called in for my activation code, the nice Indian lady on the phone told me that QB 2008 is going to crash my Win7 computer when I least expect it, so I’d better upgrade right now.

Anyway – here’s the workaround:

Install a trial version of Quickbooks 2010 (any version, doesn’t matter). In that version, go into Shipping Manager (Create Invoice>Ship) and let it upgrade. Setup and test your printer in it.

After that, you can un-install the QB2010 and the upgraded Shipping Manager will print labels just fine.

Things the iPhone could learn from the Treo

As per the topic of my last post, I recently switched from a Palm Treo 650 to an iPhone 3GS.

In most ways the iPhone is far more advanced, but as a PDA the iPhone still falls short of the 7 year old Treo design.

1 – Getting to most-used apps fast

Edit 2014: The Android app “Cover” does a lot of this, altho it’s half-baked. Unfortunately they got bought by Twitter, who seem to have ended development on it.

The iPhone’s UI is beautiful, but it is needlessly slow to get at often-used apps like Phone and Contacts.

On the Treo, a single button press gets you to the phone keypad.  A different single button gets you to Contacts, or any of 2 apps of your choice.  Admittedly, the Treo has many more buttons, but the iPhone could do far better.

On the iPhone, you:

  1. Press Home
  2. “slide to unlock”
  3. Press Home again (if you were previously in an app)
  4. Slide the app menu left or right a few times (if the app you want isn’t on the first menu page or the dock)
  5. Press the app you want

In the best case it’s 3 steps to your app, in the worst 5 steps.  That’s a lot of work just to start your favorite app.

But this is completely unnecessary.  Apple could easily do something like this:


Apple, you can do better!

(forgive the crude Photoshop work; but you get the idea).

This way you get to your favorite apps much quicker – just Home and one swipe.

Apple, if you want to do this, you have my permission – I won’t sue you.  Just ask if you want it in writing (see “About me“).

2 – Named app pages

The Treo let you name each page of apps, so you could categorize them.  And you could walk thru each page with the Home button.  I don’t see why Apple can’t do that.

3 – Contact searching

The Treo was much quicker at searching for contact entries.  It had a clever system where if you entered “db” it would search not just for names containing “db” but also for names with the initials “D.B.”.  This worked really well – just 2 or 3 letters was usually enough to identify a contact this way.

The only reasons I can think of why Apple doesn’t do this are (1) they didn’t know about it, or (2) patent issues.  But I’d think Apple and Palm are both infringing on enough of each others patents to make that moot – they’re already well into the realm of mutually-assured destruction.

4 – Telephone number selection

Again, Treo wins.

On the Treo all the phone numbers for each contact (office, home, fax, mobile, etc.) are visible on the screen.  You can directly click any one of them and dial it.

On the iPhone, you first find your contact, then select it, and only then can you choose a number to dial.  Three steps vs. one on the Treo.

5 – No casual notes in phone numbers

The Treo would happily ignore everything after the first alphabetic character in a stored phone number, so you could include casual notes like this:

+1 800 555 1212 (lake house)

+1 800 555 1213 (girlfriend’s place)

That’s a no-no on the iPhone – it will simply refuse to dial numbers that contain “invalid” characters.

There is no good substitute way to store this kind of info, which I find pretty important.

I’m very impressed with the iPhone’s capabilities, but I’m surprised how little Apple learned from what was already in the market.

In retrospect, I think I might have been better off buying the Palm Pre.  But I did want to try the “Apple experience”, and having spent two weeks getting the iPhone setup, I think I’ll let the Concorde Effect do it’s dirty work and stick with the iPhone for a while.

At least until my contract with AT&T is up.